Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Killing me Microsoftly by Julia Keller and PowerPoint is Evil by Genevieve Liang


Ms. Keller and Ms. Liang do a good job describing how PowerPoint (and its publisher Microsoft) monopolized the presentation market and that if left unchecked could stymie creativity in the business world and in education.  In reading this article I realized that I never given a thought as to how we have been pigeoned holed into a systemic, patternistic, and worst of all, predictable behavior that can easlily leave us as a society and as individuals subject to conditioning by forces greater than ourselves.  Like the Advertizment industry of the 50's and 60's, the Media Industry has capitalized on our complacency and has been pushing their agenda du jour on targeted audiences.  That affect is not solely the realm of business but also of the Education Moguls that dictate policy nationwide.   What I find even more disturbing is that their (predatory agencies) ability to adapt to social change.  This ability has improved and has become more subtle as technology evolved and nested itself into every fabric of our social identity.  I don't think that the advent of newer, more individualistic and creative models of interorginazational and interpersonal software and hardware can defend the best interest of society simply because once you start taking action and pushing an agenda you become a cog in the system.  Regardless of your intent you are perpetuating the mythos of Big Brother.  The only hope that I have for society is that future generations are very likely able (through the effect of this machine) to develop the critical literacy and thinking skills to help mitigate the affects of this phenomenon.

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