Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Origins and Concepts of digital literacy. - Bowden, D.

Bawden, D. (2006) Origins and Concepts of digital literacy. In Lankshearc. and Knobel, M. (ed.) Digital Literacies: Concepts, Policies, and Practices, New York: Peter Lang

When it comes to Literacy and Technology, one would think of the propagation of Literacy through technology. In this article this was indeed discussed but also discussed were a myriad of other potential definitions and intent for this term. Bawden's review of P. Glister's publication on this topic was critical of Gilster's writing technique as much as it was of what was posited there in. There has been many changes in the last 20 years regarding the advent of technology and its potential to be revolutionary in every aspect of our lives.  As instructional approaches change to accommodate technology, we are left with a conundrum. Do we focus on the fundamental skill sets to help students develop the skills to be literate or do we sacrifice some precious instructional time to help students become more accustomed and efficient in the use of this new medium.
We are not the first to face this issue and we won't be the last. What we will be, is efficient in doing both. As with every change in literary paradigms, readers and writers alike have had to contend with choosing the traditional over the contemporary when attempting to decipher the intended message.
In essence, the question that begs to be answered is what and how do I teach my students? With the push to inclusion and a balanced classroom, we are going to find ourselves taxed with this additional instructional approach that would require a certain degree of back peddling to tie new knowledge with old. While this can present it self to be a boom to teachers for an opportunity to review old concepts in a new light, it also can present with some difficulties.
Refurbishing existing schools with new infrastructual changes comes with a pretty high price tag when one trys to accommodate every new innovation . Literacy can be found in multiple forms across a variety of sources. We need to review our educational practices to not only accommodate this advancement but also provide a fundamental instructional approach to the acquisition of knowledge and how to best receive and explore with our current student population. Technology, such as these, can help bring a student with disabilities or a lack of motivation to a classroom they can look forward to such instruction. 
Every time that there has been a change in how or what we teach, it also followed a period of redefining the argument.

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