Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Progress of All Projects

I found this semester to be very challenging.  Not because of the nature of the course work but instead my difficulties lied in being out of the classroom and not having the opportunities available to me that comes with having my own class.   Another issue I came across was the realization that those whom I considered my peers at  the schools assigned to me had some reservation regarding my observing their class for the purpose of my course work assignments.  This was not such an issue in RED 6449 but it was very compromising in RED 6544.  It was a little demoralizing to say the least.  Those whom I thought to have had some degree of professional confidence turned out to be very coy and non-committal when approached for some assistance.  As for my RED6449 class I found it to be the class I could really find some degree of confidence and aptitude.  That is not to say that I felt inept in RED 6544 but only that in RED 6449 I was able to develop more opportunities to practice new skills and not feel inhibited because of my standing in the district.  For those of you who do not know yet, I have accepted a position and an ESE teacher at Stephens Elementary where I will have a mixed resource and separate class setting.  My core students number 8 with 4 of them being boys and 4 of them being girls.  The grades range from 1st to 4th grade, with the majority being in the 3rd grade.  These students present with some significant deficits as identified by their test scores.  A few have some language deficits as well.  I found the projects in RED 6449 to be very stimulating and provided me with a multitude of venue with which to present materials and promote an active and stimulating learning environment.  The project I found most helpful was that of using a PREZI and also developing a GLOG.  I found that both formats provide different ways to present information to diverse populations.  The Digital Story format was very labor intensive but I also believe that when faced with a task that is on a large scale, incorporating a Digital Story Board in conjunction with other formats can really drive the intended learning objective home. 
The literature that I have had the pleasure to read was very innovative and reinforcing.  There were times that I was at a lost in understanding the nature of some instructional approaches only to have it clarified by reading a journal article.  I found that collaborating with my peers in class also taught me how to approach some of the lessons with a fresh perspective which was at first alien to me.  I was always able to count on my classmates to bring a new perspective to  the projects at hand. 
The project at the Florida Presbyterian Homes for Seniors taught me a lesson in compassion.  Sometimes one gets caught up in "their own little world" and fail to see what others endure and how compassion can bridge that gap between diverse populations.  I enjoyed working with my partner at FPHS and I hope that our "screening" of our collaborative efforts will be well received on the 30th.  I hope you all find this blog informative.  I intend to use it or a similar Blog as a platform for future projects in my new role as a classroom teacher.  I also hope to share this knowledge with my new peers.  I hope they find it as interesting as I did.  If I had to sum up all my experiences in this class into one statement that encapsulates its intended focus, I would state it as follows:
Technology is a wonderful tool and resource with which we can reach out and make connections with students from diverse backgrounds. Yet, it is a tool that should not be used as a crutch for genuine instruction.  Computer based instruction is a very limited format with which to promote critical literacy skills.  It can stymie the creative process that is so critical in the maturation of our students cognitive development. Technology should be a supplement to the learning environment.  It should serve to facilitate and accommodate for the specific needs of the learner regardless of their abilities.  The teacher needs to know how to employ and manipulate technology and its use in the classroom to maximize its impact on student's progress. 

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